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Handling CI/CD in a Mono Repo With Multiple Python Packages

In this article i'll share how I handheld the CI/CD in a mono repo with multiple python packages using GitHub Actions.

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Lab as a Service in DAZN

I'm incredibly proud to share the outstanding work our team has accomplished recently in upgrading our testing lab infrastructure.

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S3 Bucket Redirect URL With Terraform

Real world example of how to create an S3 bucket with a redirect URL using Cloudfront with Terraform.

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Integrating Azure AD Authentication in Your Next.js App Using MSAL

Learn how to integrate Azure AD authentication into your Next.js app using MSAL library for security and user management.

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Scheduling Lambdas Using AWS EventBridge and Terraform

Schedule your AWS Lambda tasks using Terraform and AWS EventBridge to automate routine tasks and improve efficiency.

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CORS - Introduction For The New FE/BE Developer

I can assure you that one of the first issues you'll encounter when testing your newly developed product will be CORS. So what is CORS exactly?

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GitHub Actions for Dynamic Cross-Platform Testing

Automate cross-platform testing with GitHub Actions, using dynamic matrices for efficient, targeted tests.

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Why Makefile is One of My Essentials Tools in Every Software Project

Makefiles are a cornerstone tool in the software development process, particularly useful for streamlining and automating the build process.

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Markdown Linters for Your Docs Repo

Do you have a repo that contains important documentation? Streamline your documentation with Markdown linters to enhance documentation quality.

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Easy Minimal CLI Using Appeal Library

In continuation to my previous post, I'll show you how to create a minimal and compatible CLI using the Appeal library.

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Monitor Your Hosted Local Machines with OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib

Learn how to seamlessly integrate OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib with Coralogix for efficient monitoring of local hosted machines.

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Linux Process Prioritization with Niceness

Get to know the Linux process priority and Niceness.

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Powerful Pytest Parametrization

I absolutely love using pytest as my go-to testing tool whenever i'm working on a Python project. Pytest Parametrization is one of reasons why.

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Hamas is ISIS

Gaza have nurtured Hamas and its violent radical ideology; Hamas reveled its true agendas and idealogy which is the same as ISIS.

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Leverage Pre-Commit Hooks to Improve Your Git Workflow

Discover how pre-commit hooks streamline workflows, ensure code quality, and simplify collaborations using a real-world example.

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Customizing Your Git Log Output

By customizing your git log output, you can make your Git logs look exactly the way you want which could make your life easier.

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Why You Should Only Use LTS Version of Ubuntu

Using only LTS versions of Ubuntu - The benefits explained.

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Integration of MyPy into Python Our Services

I've assigned with a task to integrate MyPy into our Python services. Here's what I've learned so far (and still learning).

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FastAPI Background Tasks - Introduction Guide

FastAPI feature for lightweight background tasks (functions) that will run in parallel with your main application.

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My 100 Days of Code Journey

The 100 days of code is a true challenge. I've decided to take it on and document my journey.

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Explore Mocking In Node.js Using Sinon

Unit testing and mocking in Node.js with Sinon, get familiar with basic Spies, Stubs, Fakes, and Mocks, concepts.

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Capturing Logs with Pytest Can't Be Easier

Pytest's built-in caplog fixture to capture log messages is nothing but amazing. Capture logs for unit testing can't get easier

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My QA Manifest As a QA Team Lead/Manager

As a former QA Engineer/Team Lead/Manager, I've learned a lot about the QA world. Here are my thoughts on what makes an excellent QA team

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Package Management in Ubuntu: Overview Guide

Get to know APT, Snap, Flatpak, and more. Optimize software installation, updates, and removals in this overview guide

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API Validation with AJV and Json Schema

AJV & Json Schema, a generic yet effective method for JavaScript API request validation

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Integrating NewRelic with FastAPI & Docker

Enhance your FastAPI application's monitoring with NewRelic. Gain insights and improve performance with very minimal and simple setup steps.

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I Wish I Knew Vitest When I Started My TypeScript Journey

I have struggled so badly when it came to testing while using the notorious combination of Node, TypeScript & ES Module. And then I found Vitest

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Why You Should Switch or Embrace Linux Right Now

Linux opens possibilities, ignites curiosity & unlocks potential. For me, switching to a Linux distro resulted with a transition from QA a SW dev

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Crafting Meaningful Custom Exceptions in Python: Best Practices and Common Techniques

Boost your Python code clarity and debuggability with custom exceptions. Explore best practices for crafting and handling them effectively

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Y2K Bug: A Look Back at a Critical Moment in Software Development History

Explore the Y2K Bug that threatened global systems at the dawn of the 21st century and understand its impact on software development

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Schedule Your Python Methods with Schedule Library

Dive into the schedule library through practical examples & a real-life project scenario. Discover how to schedule your Python methods effectively

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Python Packaging & Dependency Management with Poetry

Poetry: Simplify Python dependency management with an intuitive CLI, virtual environments, and seamless packaging & publishing

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Exploring JSON in Python: load/loads and dump/dumps

Dive into the differences between Python's json module methods: json.load/json.loads & json.dump/json.dumps

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Testing REST API with Cypress is easy

Most common use cases of are UI & Visual testing. But, employing Cypress for testing REST APIs can also be quite efficient.

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Different Ways to Check a Variable Type in Python

Type checking is a thing you do a lot in Python as it can help prevent simple yet frustrating errors that may arise from incorrect variable types. ...

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You Should Really Use Map When Possible

The advantages of using Map in JavaScript over other Data Types

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Organizing Your Tests with Custom Markers in Pytest

This is the easiest way to categorize and maximize the flexibility and readability of your testing workflow and results

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Using Secrets or Private Environment Variables? .env is the Answer

How can we hide API keys, secrets and passwords in our code, especially if pushing our code to an external repository? How can we run an applicati ...

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Keep Your Routes Clean - Use Middleware for Extra Logic

I try to keep my routes as "clean" as i can, additional logic will be executed via middleware - Here's a small example I did with FastAPI

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Leverage Rewire for Unit Testing in Node.js

Unit testing in Node.js can be challenging. After trying various libraries, I found Rewire to be the most practical for testing purposes

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How I Saved My Company a lot of Money Only Using a Simple Iperf Test

The test that saved my company a significant amount of time and effort - Using two PCB's, RJ45 cable, and the Iperf tool

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