All Blog Posts in the Python Category

Handling CI/CD in a Mono Repo With Multiple Python Packages

In this article i'll share how I handheld the CI/CD in a mono repo with multiple python packages using GitHub Actions.

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Lab as a Service in DAZN

I'm incredibly proud to share the outstanding work our team has accomplished recently in upgrading our testing lab infrastructure.

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Why Makefile is One of My Essentials Tools in Every Software Project

Makefiles are a cornerstone tool in the software development process, particularly useful for streamlining and automating the build process.

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Easy Minimal CLI Using Appeal Library

In continuation to my previous post, I'll show you how to create a minimal and compatible CLI using the Appeal library.

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Powerful Pytest Parametrization

I absolutely love using pytest as my go-to testing tool whenever i'm working on a Python project. Pytest Parametrization is one of reasons why.

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Integration of MyPy into Python Our Services

I've assigned with a task to integrate MyPy into our Python services. Here's what I've learned so far (and still learning).

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FastAPI Background Tasks - Introduction Guide

FastAPI feature for lightweight background tasks (functions) that will run in parallel with your main application.

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Capturing Logs with Pytest Can't Be Easier

Pytest's built-in caplog fixture to capture log messages is nothing but amazing. Capture logs for unit testing can't get easier

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Integrating NewRelic with FastAPI & Docker

Enhance your FastAPI application's monitoring with NewRelic. Gain insights and improve performance with very minimal and simple setup steps.

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Crafting Meaningful Custom Exceptions in Python: Best Practices and Common Techniques

Boost your Python code clarity and debuggability with custom exceptions. Explore best practices for crafting and handling them effectively

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Schedule Your Python Methods with Schedule Library

Dive into the schedule library through practical examples & a real-life project scenario. Discover how to schedule your Python methods effectively

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Python Packaging & Dependency Management with Poetry

Poetry: Simplify Python dependency management with an intuitive CLI, virtual environments, and seamless packaging & publishing

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Exploring JSON in Python: load/loads and dump/dumps

Dive into the differences between Python's json module methods: json.load/json.loads & json.dump/json.dumps

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Different Ways to Check a Variable Type in Python

Type checking is a thing you do a lot in Python as it can help prevent simple yet frustrating errors that may arise from incorrect variable types. ...

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Organizing Your Tests with Custom Markers in Pytest

This is the easiest way to categorize and maximize the flexibility and readability of your testing workflow and results

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Keep Your Routes Clean - Use Middleware for Extra Logic

I try to keep my routes as "clean" as i can, additional logic will be executed via middleware - Here's a small example I did with FastAPI

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